2nd Annual Sustainable Transportation Summit
March 24, 2015
The summit will bring together experts, advocates, and leaders on issues facing transportation, mobility, land use, the environment, and more. Transportation affects all aspects of our daily lives - from how we get to work, how we interact with our community, and how we get goods and services. The Sustainable Transportation Summit will discuss the ways in which planning for and implementing transportation options helps more people get more places and do more things in their communities.
This year's summit will focus on themes of data and demographics. We will look at the demographic future of The Roanoke Valley, what local and national demographic trends are telling us about future transportation needs, and the ways in which communities have collected and used data to prepare themselves for the future. Speakers will include representatives from Roanoke's Refugee Resettlement Program and Arlington County, Virginia's Mobility Lab, a national think-tank and research program focused on transportation and mobility issues.
Forum on Natural Gas Pipelines
March 9, 2015
The Cabell Brand Center will convene an expert forum to present and discuss an objective assessment of the proposed natural gas pipelines with particular focus on their economic and environmental impacts in the Roanoke Valley and surrounding areas. This event is sponsored by :
Roanoke Valley Cool Cities Coalition
Water Resources and Water Infrastructure: Emerging Problems and Solutions
​April 4, 2014
The National Capital Region Water Resources Symposium is co-sponsored by The Cabell Brand Center. This one-day symposium at the University of the District of Columbia brings together experts from governmental agencies, academia, the private sector, and non-profits to discuss challenges and opportunities for sustainable management of water resources and infrastructure in the region, as well as nationally and internationally. We hope that you will make the most of the opportunity to meet other water resources professionals across the region.
Click the image below for a PDF of the program.
Sustainable Transportation Summit in Roanoke
​March 27, 2014
The summit will offer a broad educational program that will touch on the value – economic, environmental, and social – of implementing and encouraging transportation choice in the region.
Click the image below for a PDF of the program.
Sustainable Energy Workshop
October 18, 2013
The purpose of the workshop is to bring together leading practitioners to discuss cutting-edge and affordable ways to reduce energy use and build a clean energy future and deliver information that strengthens awareness of energy efficiency and conservation, and renewable energyoptions. Furthermore, this workshop will facilitate discourse and build demand for smart policies and financial incentives to spur energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions for Virginians.
Click the image below for a PDF of the program.
Poverty Today: Challenges and Opportunities
July 19, 2013
The intention of the symposium is to increase awareness about pervasive poverty issues in rural and urban environments and to explore innovative approaches to alleviating poverty. We will explore how we currently define poverty, how poverty is viewed in our society, how we measure poverty, and who can take action for those in need.
Click the image below for a PDF of the program.