Cabell Brand Center Announces 2014 Scholarship Winners!
We’re proud to announce the 2014 winners for the Cabell Brand Center's Competitive Scholarship Awards. The 2014 award recipients ($2,000 each) are:
Allison Kathleen Homer. Ms. Homer is a first year graduate student at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia.
Justin G. Mychek-Londer. Mr. Mychek-Londer is a first year Ph.D. student at the University of Windsor, Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research in Ontario, Canada.
Devan Mayer. Mr. Mayer is a junior at Baylor University in Waco, Texas.
The significance of these scholarships is not just the monitory support but the recipient’s commitment in late Dr. Charles “Hap” Fisher’s words “working towards the common good”.
“Helping college students financially through such scholarships not only gives them some individual support, but we also convey to them a sense that we’re all in this world together,” said Cabell Brand, Chairman Emeritus of the Center. “That’s the essence of democracy. By encouraging them to study our common problems and challenges, we can help them come to understand that only through our shared endeavors can we achieve our common aspirations.”
The 2014 scholarships are funded by generous donations of the Burress Family, the late Dr. Charles "Hap" Fisher, Shelia and Ken Garren, Debby & Harlan Beckley, Freedom First Credit Union and from the proceeds from the sale of Cabell Brand's book "If not me, Then Who?" and other contributions to the Cabell Brand Center. Learn more about these wonderful donors and the selection process on our scholarships page.